2025 Mobile Oilmen's Invitational Chairman's Letter
To all potential participants of the Mobile Oilman’s Invitational,
In a few short months we hope to welcome you all back to our annual Mobile Oilmen’s Invitational Golf Tournament. Because of the past participation of your companies—those involved in the oil, gas, petrochemical, and other closely related industries—our tournament has been a success for the past forty-seven years. With your support of the 2025 tournament, we are sure that our forty-eighth tournament will be one for the record books.
The 2025 Mobile Oilmen’s Golf Tournament will be held at Timber Creek Golf Course in Spanish Fort, Alabama on April 11th & 12th 2025.
Registration or check-in and ditty bag pickup will take place on Thursday, April 10th starting at 10:00 am and ending at 4:00 pm. Mulligans can be purchased at the time of registration and/or check-in as well as on the course during play. We will also have our annual “dog fight” on Thursday, the day of registration. Each participant is responsible for creating his own foursome, paying $85.00 per player through to the golf course, and scheduling a tee time by calling the Timber Creek pro shop at (251)-621-9900. All proceeds from this day of golf will be donated to local charities.
Friday, April 11th at 7:00 pm, all participants are invited to the annual Ronnie Davis/Mike Esfeller Memorial Crawfish Boil. Saturday April 12th, all golfers are invited to join us under the tent for door prizes, the announcement of the Ronnie Davis Skillet Award, and the announcement of the Grand Prize raffle winners. Both events will be under the tent at Timber Creek weather permitting. Remember, you must be present to win, and winners must have proper ID matching their badge.
As in years past, we ask you to help us keep spectators and guests off the golf course during tournament play. We ask that only golfers, members of the Oilmen’s board of directors, or those providing food for the golfers be permitted on the course. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Please visit our website at www.mobileoilmens.com for registration and information for this year’s tournament. If you have payment or registration questions, please email Blythe Burmeister at [email protected].
Let me take this time to thank all our hardworking directors and assistant directors who have worked long hours to make this tournament a success. We also want to thank Rob and his Timber Creek staff for hosting this event, and all our sponsors!